Reverend Mary Frances Curns Chosen as the Recipient of the 2024 Peacemaker Award


The Peacemaker Award is given annually to an individual or group in Northern Berkshire. The award, which originated as part of the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, is made to persons who have contributed substantially to peace in our region. In general, the Peacemaker Award recognizes persons who have a history of working with people and/or neighborhoods and communities to provide for greater tolerance, understanding, and caring.

This year the MLK Jr. Day of Service Committee is proud to announce that Reverend Mary Frances Curns has been selected from the numerous worthy people and groups nominated by the community, and will be honored with the 2024 Peacemaker Award at this month’s annual Northern Berkshire MLK Jr. Day of Service. The anonymous nomination for Mary Frances noted that as the priest in charge at All Saints Episcopal Church in North Adams, Mary Frances has a deep passion for service to her community. She and All Saints run a weekly “Tent Ministry” meeting people in the community from whatever walks of life, providing them with comfort, understanding, and attempting to aid them in any way that she and the community can. All Saints is constantly collaborating with other Christians in Northern Berkshire to help address the needs of North Adams and the greater northern Berkshire community. All Saints is an extraordinarily open, welcoming, and warm church community where truly all are welcome, and that is thanks in a large part to a pastor with a very big heart.

The celebration begins at 8:30 a.m. at MCLA’s Church Street Center in the lower level with check-in and registration, coffee and pastries. At 9:00 a.m. there will be a brief welcome and opening remarks before volunteers depart the center to service sites or can stay on site to work on activities at the Church Street Center. Participants will choose from more than ten sites to provide service to the community, including: Louison House, Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires, weatherization for homes, food collection sites, and meal deliveries. There will be projects suitable for all ages and abilities.

Participants will return to the Church Street Center at 12:30pm to share a free luncheon and community celebration, enjoy local entertainment and hear uplifting words in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. The annual Peacemaker Award will be presented during this celebration.

Those wishing to participate in the day of service can register the morning of the event or pre-register in one of three ways: