Rev. Mary Frances Announces Retirement Plans (updated)


Please read the attached letter from Rev. Mary Frances about her plans for retirement next year. More information to come.

Letter from Rev. Mary Frances Curns

11/21/24:  Update from Mary Frances +

Dear All Saints faithful: As we begin our journey to my retirement, I would like to keep you informed along the way. Also, if you have questions, concerns or just want to talk, please call me, 910-650- 8117, or the church 413-664-9656, to set up an appointment. I love to have conversations over a cup of tea or coffee, breakfast, or lunch. I look forward to hearing from you!

Now for an update… I will be meeting with The Rev. Steve Wilco, who is the new interim priest for Transitions of this Diocese. I have not met him, and I look forward to getting to know him. He will be visiting All Saints on Sunday, December 15. He will preach and Celebrate with us, and join us for a few minutes at Coffee Hour; then he will attend the Vestry meeting to get to know the All Saints leaders.

This is what I know now! Blessings to you all…

11/24/24: Update 2 from Mary Frances +

The Vestry is preparing to meet with Rev. Steve Wilco on Sunday, December 15. We are now seeking a few people to fill the open seats on the Vestry. If you are willing to serve, please let someone on the Vestry know.

Again, I invite you to reach out to me if you would like to get together for coffee, tea, breakfast, lunch or dinner; or if you would like a visit from me. I’d welcome the chance to chat!

Blessings to you and your families for a Thanksgiving filled with God’s Love!

12/5/24: Update 3 from Mary Frances +

This past Monday, I met with The Rev. Steve Wilco, Transition Officer from the Diocese.
He looks forward to coming to worship with us on Sunday, December 15. He will be preaching
that Sunday and joining us for a little coffee hour visit, then meet with the Vestry.
Please invite people to join us for our Traditional Candle-light Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24, at 7:00pm. That’s all for now!  MFC+

12/12/2024: Update 4 from Mary Frances +

No updates this week.  The vestry will be meeting with The Reverend Steve Wilco this Sunday, December 15th.  I will update you next week on the meeting in next week’s announcements.

12/19/2024: Update 5 from Mary Frances +

Advent greetings to you!

Last Sunday the Vestry met with the Rev. Steven Wilco, Transition Officer from the Diocesan Offices. He will be working with the Wardens soon to
begin preliminary planning for a smooth and healthy transition after I retire.

One thing we discussed was the concern from some of the parishioners that All Saints might close. We, the Vestry, want to make it very clear that Mary Frances is retiring, and the church will NOT be closing. Rev. Steve is here to mentor us, through the process of finding a new person to be with us as spiritual leader, teacher and priest.

I will be here with you until my last Service on April 27, 2025; however, the Vestry will be taking over the communications part of the process. Instead
of me informing you what the process will be, it only makes sense to have the leaders, Sharon Wood, Lee Mullins, Co-senior Wardens, and the Jr.
Warden, Al Mc Lain to fill you in, as they will be working with Steve Wilco.

I hope to see you at our Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:45, and our Lessons and Carols Service on Sunday, the 29 th at 10:00am.
May the Love of God through his Son, Jesus bring Hope and Peace to you and all whom you love.

Merry Christmas!
Mary Frances+