To all the faithful, Jesus’ ministry began on the edges of the society he lived within. As we have prayerfully thought through our process, we will offer listening sessions that speak to our Diocese’s diversity, respecting the dignity of all voices present, and contribute crucial perspectives to a unifying profile for our next Bishop. The listening subcommittee has been diligently working on putting together a full month of listening sessions across our Diocese for February. These sessions will allow us to come together and listen for the movement of the Spirit among and within us: our parishes, corridors, and Diocese. We will consider the joys, longings, and dreams within our common life together. As we listen, our hope is that we will be formed by the stories shared. We pray that you will find a time that is most convenient to your schedule as we stand on this holy ground together. We are actively finalizing the details of when and where we will host opportunities for the myriad voices of our Diocese. We view our Diocese in three corridors: the Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, and Worcester. Our goal is to have at least three in-person listening sessions per corridor with other online opportunities as well. A few of these details can be found below as listening sessions begin in earnest this weekend. We will add subsequent dates as soon as they become available. Please watch for these communications, and share these within your parish’s communication structure. We will begin next week with the Berkshires. Currently scheduled listening sessions: - St. Helena’s, Lenox, 8 February 2025, 10:00 AM to Noon
- All Saints, North Adams, 10 February 2025, 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
- Christ Trinity Church, Sheffield, 13 February 2025, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
- St. Paul’s, Holyoke, 15 February 2025, 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
As we continue our process of discernment, we invite your parishes to join regularly in the prayer below. Let us pray, Gracious God, we give you thanks for the ministry we share in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts. In this season of discernment, we ask your blessing and the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we prepare to call our next Bishop. Guide us in this important work, that your mission may be furthered, and your Gospel proclaimed. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace, Rev. Jenny Gregg (Co-Chair), Caleb Ireland (Co-Chair), Rev. Joel Martinez, Hon. Judith Philips, and Rev. Jimmy Pickett The Listening Subcommittee of the Search Committee of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts |